could be a paid position if working more than shadowing
Preferred Education:
DVM or equivalent
Additional Information:
3 openings available.
Internal Number: 012825
Opportunity to experience an independent small animal emergency and surgery practice to help determine life path, build confidence, add to resume, and make networking connections, Experience may help in obtaining an internship match or to prepare for future similar work situations, plenty of time to research information about clinical cases and discuss, could be 3-8 weeks depending on your needs, We need a student who wants to learn and can communicate their thought process about a subject. For the right person, this could lead to working together in the future or at least a good recommendation for what comes next.
I look forward to meeting you!
Dr. Diana Jones
4th year veterinary student interested in small animal surgery and emergency practice
PETSURG is a referral surgery hospital. ER4PETS is a 24/7/365 emergency hospital for dogs and cats. We are growing and looking for more emergency veterinarians, and specialists as well as relief veterinarians.